marți, 26 noiembrie 2013

Melomam pentru o zi

Nu stiu de ce, dar simt cum imi da tarcoale o mica depresie. Pentru a ma trezi din aceasta stare, apelez la rock ... gotic, de obicei. Preferatii mei sunt Within Temptation, dupa cum se vede. Enjoy the music!

Without music, life would be a mistake.
Friedrich Nietzsche 

I've been left out alone like a damn criminal
I've been praying for help 'cause I can't take it all
I'm not done, it's not over

Now I'm fighting this war since the day of the fall
And I'm desperately holding on to it all
But I'm lost, I'm so damn lost

Oh, I wish it was over and I wish you were here
Still I'm hoping that somehow

'Cause your soul is on fire, a shot in the dark
What did they aim for when they missed your heart?
I breathe underwater, it's all in my hands
What can I do? Don't let it fall apart, a shot in the dark
A shot in the dark

In the blink of an eye I can see through your eyes
As I'm lying awake I'm still hearing the cries
And it hurts, hurts me so bad

And I'm wondering why I still fight in this life
'Cause I've lost all my faith in this damn bitter strife
And it's sad, it's so damn sad

Oh, I wish it was over and I wish you were here
Still I'm hoping that somehow

'Cause your soul is on fire, a shot in the dark
What did they aim for when they missed your heart?
I breathe underwater, it's all in my hands
What can I do? Don't let it fall apart, a shot in the dark

A shot in the dark, a shot in the dark
A shot in the dark, a shot in the dark

I feel you fading away, I feel you fading away
I feel you fading away, I feel you fading away

'Cause your soul is on fire, a shot in the dark
What did they aim for when they missed your heart?
I breathe underwater, it's all in my hands
What can I do? Don't let it fall apart

Oh, your soul is on fire, a shot in the dark
What did they aim for when they missed your heart?
I breathe underwater, it's all in my hands
What can I do? Don't let it fall apart, a shot in the dark

A shot in the dark, a shot in the dark
A shot in the dark, a shot in the dark

Within Temptation - Shot In The Dark

*** Recomandare ***
Dacă doresti să participi , publică pe blogul tău , o melodie preferată de care tocmai ti-ai amintit si vrei să o impartasesti cu noi si inscrie articolul la "Meloman pentru o zi"!

10 comentarii:

  1. wow! câtă durere! ....

  2. Brr, ce "frig" este in melodia asta! :))

  3. incerc sa te fac sa zambesti? cum face buburuza cand asculti gothic? :)

  4. Mai rar melodii de genul, dar pe asta o stiu si imi place :)

  5. O melodie superba, in versurile careia ma regasesc. Excelenta alegere, nu o stiam, dar m-am indragostit de ea de la primele acorduri. De acrod cu Nietzsche. As mai adauga si iubirea pe lista fara de care nu se poate. :D
    Big hug!

  6. N-am mai ascultat Within Temptation de prea mult timp..chiar imi era dor.

  7. Oh, frumoasa reintalnire cu Within Temptation. Prin facultate, ii puneam deseori pe repeat!
    O imbratisare pentru o stare mai buna >:D<


Mestesugul - arta si meserie - serie de interviuri: Push Design (3)

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